Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our Sewer Plant "Marathon"

In the 1970s, Hal Goforth was a young biologist and runner who started a lunchtime running group with his co-workers. The group ran a 1.5 mile loop from Seaside to the Sewer Plant (aka Water Treatment Facility). In 1976, Hal took a one year leave to teach Marine Science at Key West Community College. As a going away gift/party, his running co-workers affectionately held the "Goforth Memorial Sewer Plant Marathon" on their regular 1.5 mile course. The tradition continues.

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  1. Does anyone know where Hal is today? He was a close colleague many years ago and I'd love to reconnect with him and his family.

  2. Thanks, very nice & effective article….
    Good Job…
